Board of Trustees


Where: CAS boardroom

Time: 3.30pm

2024 Upcoming BOT Meetings: 17th June, 22nd July,19th Aug, 23rd Sept, 21st Oct, 18th Nov, 9th Dec


Amelia-Jade Swan: 2023/4 Student Trustee

All New Zealand state and state-integrated schools are required to have a Board of Trustees under the New Zealand Education Act. Basically the Board administrates the school whilst the Principal manages the day to day running of the school. The Board is the Crown entity responsible for the governance of the school. The Board is responsible for setting the strategic direction of the school, overseeing the management of personnel, property, finance and administration. It is the Board’s responsibility to deal with employment matters referred to them by the Principal as well as ensuring the school communicates effectively with the community. Our Collingwood Area School Board of Trustees is made up of elected parent and kura whānau representatives, the school principal, a staff representative and one student representatives:


Our Board is committed to the values of:

  • Manaakitanga / A culture of care
  • Ngākaunui ki te ako / Passionate engaged learning
  • Kaitiakitanga poipoia ngā tāonga / Nurture and protect


We are proactive in:

  • focusing on governance and strategic leadership
  • setting the vision for the school and supporting its mission and values
  • monitoring the school’s performance in raising student achievement and learning
  • ensuring compliance with legal and policy requirements
  • consulting with and working on behalf of, all stakeholders


Our Board’s key areas of contribution to Collingwood Area School are: 

  • determining the school’s strategic direction; setting long- and short-term objectives through the Charter and the Strategic and Annual Plans, and monitoring progress against these
  • ensuring the school complies with all Guidelines and Policies (Section 75 and 76 of the 1989 Education Act)
  • monitoring student achievement against the strategic objectives and national guidelines
  • ensuring that there is effective communication and consultation with the school’s community
  • developing and approving policies
  • appraising and supporting the Principal’s performance
  • setting the budget and taking overall responsibility for property and financial management
  • in support of Restorative Practices in the school, adjudicating serious disciplinary matters through the Disciplinary Sub-committee if required


Our meetings:

BoT meetings are normally held once a month (usually the third Monday of the month) at 3:30pm in the school board room. Meeting dates are posted in the school newsletter, the school calendar and on this website. Members of the school community are welcome to attend and observe at any General Board meeting however the provisions of Part 7 of the Local Government Official Information and Meeting Act 1987 apply.  The Presiding Member runs the meeting and their decision on procedural matters is final.

2024 Annual Implementation Plan – 2024 Annual Implementation Plan.pdf

CAS Charter and Annual Plan 2022: CAS Charter 2022 .pdf

CAS Annual Report 2022: 2022 Annual Report.pdf

CAS Child Protection Policy: Child Protection Policy.pdf

CAS Stategic Plan: Strategic Plan 2024PDF.pdf

CAS Health StatememtHealth Statement.pdf



The community are welcome to read the Board Minutes.  A paper copy is held in the Office.


Previous Approved Meeting Minutes:

March 18 2024.pdf

Feb 19 2024.pdf

BOT Minutes Dec 2023.pdf

K Nov 13 2023.pdf

J Oct 9 2023.pdf

I Aug 28 2023.pdf

H July 24 2023.pdf

G July 17 2023.pdf

F June 26 2023.pdf

D May 29th Minutes.pdf

C March 26th Minutes.pdf

B Feb 20th Minutes.pdf

A Jan Meeting 2023 (signed).pdf

J Dec 2022 Meeting (signed).pdf

September Minutes 2022.pdf

Oct 31 2022 BOT Minutes.pdf

August 2022.pdf

Feb 21 2022.pdf

March 21 2022.pdf

May 23 2022.pdf

Collingwood Area School